Wednesday, September 22, 2010

roya hamburger

above are two works of illustration by Roya Hamburger. she is a freelance illustrator based out of Amsterdam. She attended William De Kooning academy of art in 1989. and has worked for commission since 1990 to present. before coming across her work i had no previous knowledge about her work but became instantly a fan of hers after research. the most of her work is done through adobe programs photoshop, illustrator, indesign. Although she has a sound background in drawing and painting.

Roya's use of color and shape seamlessly transforms into the next. Her shape use is organic and possesses a certain hand made quality although suttle. In alot of her work i see a two pantone color scheme( on the right pink and green, on the left orange and green) excluding black and white. After reviewing her work i can see how versatile her work can be implicated into mainstream society. advertising, fashion, posters, wall paper, other household design. Below is and except from her artist statement on her website.

"When working for publishers and advertising agencies objectives always revolves around communicating a message. This is exactly where my passion and skills overlap. When it comes to commissioned work, the main point is “telling another’s story” After sixteen years being a professional in commissioned work, its time for me to tell my own story as well with chosen subjects and communicating in my own way. I have this long-time dream to create work that “broadens consciousness”, with an idealistic flavour, using graphic design, illustration and animation as vehicles." -ROYA HAMBURGER-

1 comment:

  1. Good post!

    How about telling us how you encountered her work, and/or where you encountered it?

    (This is my advice to everyone, not just Myles!)
